Personal Loans

We could all use a bit of extra help to achieve our goals or alleviate financial stress from time to time.

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A personal loan is a big financial decision, but it’s one way to help achieve your goals sooner when you don’t have the funds upfront. In some cases, personal loans may be a better option than a credit card, as you can control the repayment amount and period. It can help you take control of your finances and streamline your debt or fund a big trip or purchase.

When taking out a small or large personal loan it’s important you consider the loan type, any associated fees, interest rates and the term of your personal loan. To avoid any unnecessary costs or hiccups along the way, we’ll match you with a finance broker to help you find the right loan, ensuring you get the perfect fit and a personalised experience that exceeds your expectations. Personal loans often have much higher interest rates, so before jumping the gun it’s important to speak to a finance broker and ensure a personal loan is the right loan type for your situation.

Consolidate your debts

When you have lots of different debts things can get complicated. Rolling all of your debt into one personal loan (also known as debt consolidation) can make managing your debt and making payments easy, and you may even save money on interest!

Go on an adventure of a lifetime

Whether it’s a European escapade or an African safari, some experiences in life only happen once and you want to squeeze the most out of every holiday experience. A personal loan can help you cover your upfront costs and repay them when you return.

Finance your dream car

Cars and other vehicles can often be expensive, but they are a necessary part of life that we often don’t have the time to save the full cost for. Whether it’s a car, motorcycle, boat, jetski or caravan, you can get behind the wheel sooner with a personal loan.  

Learn a new skill

Want to take a hobby, skill or interest to the next level? Furthering your education and developing your skills through study is rewarding but can often be costly. A small personal loan can cover the costs of your education and help you get to the next level.

Cover unexpected bills

Whether you need to pay insurance excess after an accident or have emergency medical bills, unexpected bills are just that - unexpected. If you don’t have the spare cash for such unseen circumstances, a personal loan can get you back on track.

Get married

Your wedding is an experience you’ll remember forever, but it can be expensive and budgets can often be blown out preparing for the big day. A personal loan can be used for big-ticket items like the venue and catering, or to cover the costs of flowers and photography.

Renovate your home

Is it time to upgrade that 1960’s kitchen, refresh your rundown bathroom, or create a backyard oasis complete with a swimming pool? Depending on the size of the project and your budget, a personal loan could help get your renovations underway sooner rather than later.

Kudos Money is a registered trading name of Kudos Money Aust Pty Ltd ATF Kudos Money Unit Trust ABN 81 976 529 731.

Kudos JP Partners Financial is a registered trading name of JWPL Holdings Pty Ltd ATF JWPL Holdings Unit Trust ABN 94 505 643 519. All product and lending services are provided by JWPL Holdings Pty Ltd ATF JWPL Holdings Unit Trust t/as Kudos JP Partners Financial ABN 94 505 643 519 | Corporate Authorised Representative 515831 Beagle Finance Pty Ltd Credit Licence No 383640

The information provided on this site is on the understanding that it is for illustrative and discussion purposes only. Whilst all care and attention is taken in its preparation any party seeking to rely on its content or otherwise should make their own enquiries and research to ensure its relevance to your specific personal and business requirements and circumstances. Terms, conditions, fees and charges may apply. Normal lending criteria apply. Rates subject to change. Approved applicants only.